Wevolver Robots in Depth

Autonomous navigation and it's challenges w/BlueBotics CEO Nicola Tomatis

Episode Summary

Nicola Tomatis is CEO at BlueBotics, who aim to become world leader in autonomous navigation with the mission to enable the mobility of vehicles for the automation in the professional use market.

Episode Notes

Nicola talks about his long road into robotics and how BlueBotics handles indoor navigation and integrates it in automated guided vehicles (AGV).

Like many, Nicola started out tinkering when he was young, and then got interested in computer science as he wanted to understand it better.

Nicola gives us an overview of indoor navigation and its challenges. He shares a number of interesting projects, including professional cleaning and intralogistics in hospitals. We also find out what someone who wants use indoor navigation and AGV should think about.

This podcast was recorded in 2016 and part of the Wevolver network. Wevolver is a platform & community providing engineers informative content to help them innovate.
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